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Why Negative Ion Watches Are Good

You have probably noticed there is a lot of hype around these little silicone bracelets that you see celebrities wearing. You might have seen some popular celebrities such as Shawn White or even some magazine celebrities wearing this funky colored band. Well this a new technology that helps with blood flow, energy, and even blood pressure.

The term for the product is Negative Ion Bands. If you are an athlete, these are becoming more and more popular. You can also get them as a watch for style and flare. We personally recommend the watch versions. There are a few website that are starting to sell them. Below are some links for a good site that sells 12 different colors that stand out and bring in the year 2010 with a hot new effect.

While wearing negative ion watches around, you are naturally giving a balance to your body. As a human around technology all day we are exposed to and excessive amount of Positive ions. Naturally there needs to be balance in any chemical situation. That is exactly what the negative ion watches do. They are a way for your body to emit the positive ion and accept more negative ion. When this is done, it will bring balance into your life.

The negative ion watches will help immediately upon wearing them. There are a few ways you can test the effects of these watches. First test is to stand with your feet together and hold your arms out to the side of your body. Have someone push down on your arm and you try to resist. Your arm will eventually drop. Now get the negative ion watch in your hand and try again. You will feel more strength in your arm during the resistance. For a stronger way of testing this, try it while standing on one leg.

From the test you will see that the negative ion helps you with not only your strength, but also your balance. That is due to the synapse of your nervous system traveling quicker to different parts of your body due to less chemical interference.

Want to find out more about ion watch, then visit Esso W Cruise’s site on how to choose the best ion sports watch for your needs.