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Pregnant Women And Acne Treatment

The treatment of acne is normally the right thing to do, if you have it, but not always. There are times in a person’s life when you can not treat acne, just because you’d like to and, unfortunately, pregnancy is one of those times. Everyone knows, that this is a tricky part in a woman’s life and that therefore she has to take extra care of herself. If a pregnant woman wants to try to cure her acne, she must make sure that she arms herself with the correct information.

This should also be remembered by those women who may get pregnant. The following are some medications for acne that are not good for use during pregnancy since they are harmful to the fetus:

Hormonal Therapy that may include estrogen, flutamide or spirolactone. They are definitely not allowed, because they are injurious and may lead to complications for both the mother and her child. It is better regard it as a threat.

Isotretinoin treatment is another therapy that could put a pregnant woman’s life at risk. Isotretinoin has negative issues too, especially for pregnant women and those who are breast-feeding. It could cause severe health issues in both the mother and her unborn baby. Therefore, it is advisable that a woman who is on Isotretinoin should be monitored by an expert. Women who are trying to get pregnant must avoid taking Isotretinoin, because it may just trigger negative problems not only for mother but most especially for her child.

Oral tetracyclines, which could be of doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline, must not be an option at all, because it would not do you any good. It has been shown that pregnant women or those who are breast-feeding must refuse the use of this drug because it could produce side effects that could be nothing short of a threat to the life of you and your baby. However, the most common side effect is the permanent discoloration of your teeth or / and bone disorders.

Topical retinoids, such as tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin, is the last group that must be refused. Just like the above-mentioned therapies, topical retinoids can be another hazard to you and your baby. Even if you are pregnant or not, it is not wise to use any of the treatments mentioned above.

For those women, who are pregnant and have acne, it really is best to stay away from the heavy treatments mentioned here. Instead, why not settle for traditional remedies, like keeping your hair off your face, washing your face three-four times a day, changing your pillow cases every day and eating more fruit and avoiding fatty, oily and spicy food.

Are you having trouble treating acne during pregnancy? If you are or you’d like to know more about acne, please visit our website called This and other unique content ” articles are available with free reprint rights.