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Now You Can Have Moisturized Yet Non Sticky Skin with an Oil Free Moisturiser

Having dry and flaky skin can be such a hassle – especially during the winter when it is just too cold and you feel just how tight and dry your skin is.  For women, it gets even worse when you put powder or foundation on your face because it will only make the dryness and the flaking even more obvious.

The common recourse when your skin is dry and flaky is to buy a moisturiser.  By applying it regularly, morning and night, your skin will eventually feel moisturized and soft.  The problem however is that some moisturisers can feel too oily on the skin especially if you have been using it for hours.  That is because the one that you got is not an oil free moisturiser.  More often than not, it uses petroleum jelly as the active ingredient.

Petroleum jelly works well on the lips because it locks in moisture, preventing your skin from feeling dry.  It does the same thing on your skin but the problem is the oil can cause your skin to clog and eventually, this will lead to a bad case of acne.  Sure, your skin will be moisturized and soft but what is the point if you have pimples all over your face?  The solution to this dilemma is fairly simple – get a moisturizer that has no oil.

More and more people are switching to using an oil free moisturiser because it has the same benefits of a regular moisturizer minus all the oil that can cause the clogging of your skin.  Simply put, it is a great way to keep your skin soft and supple without the sticky feeling that you can get from petroleum jelly.  In fact, you can even put makeup over an oil free moisturiser and your face will still feel light and clean.

You can have smooth, supple, moisturized and non-flaky skin without putting it at risk of a break out.  Use an oil free moisturiser and discover just how much better it is compared to the one that you used to use.