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Is Cellulite Gel Effective?

If you happen to be among the many women who have cellulite on their bodies, there could be some small comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. Many people have that furrowed or dimpled skin caused by fatty deposits in their buttocks, hips, and thighs, or less commonly on their arms or stomachs. Cellulite gel is a treatment for cellulite that has become increasingly popular. But can you really get good results with cellulite gel?

Cellulite gel basically works by tightening the skin. It improves your skin’s suppleness so that it pulls tight over the underlying fat and muscle. That irons out the puckers and pockmarks in the skin. Most people will see a difference in the look of their skin if they use cellulite gel.

But you don’t actually know what kind of results you’ll get until you actually use it. If you read through customer evaluations of these kinds of products, there is a wide range of reactions. A number of people get wonderful results so they are thoroughly satisfied with the product. Other people are greatly disappointed because the gel did nothing for them at all. Some of those who obtained satisfactory results found that the cellulite quickly returned when they quit using the gel.

The reason behind this is that all cellulite lotions, gels and creams simply improve the elastic quality of the skin. The ingredients in these products, collagen for instance, iron away the cottage cheese appearance by plumping up the skin cells. So you can indeed enjoy a temporary solution for this widespread problem; if you feel like using them regularly, you may get lasting satisfaction.

Are cellulite gels better than lotions or creams? Consistency and texture are the main distinctions separating the various products. You can find identical ingredients in many of the different types of products, but you may have a personal preference for the feel of gel in contrast to a lotion or cream. The fact that gel is highly absorbent on the skin and feels less greasy appeals to lots of people.

The truth is, to truly overcome your cellulite problem, you’re going to have to manage your weight and get regular exercise. Cellulite is fat, nothing more, and a topical skin cream isn’t likely to dissolve it away. As long as you understand that, cellulite gel can help you in the short term by improving your skin’s appearance so you look and feel better immediately while working on a long-term program to fix it permanently.

If you want to lose your cellulite, you’re going to have to work out. However, you need to make sure you’re doing the right exercises to eliminate the problem. Click here to learn about exercises for cellulite that really work.