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Now You Too can Give a Harley Davidson Clock as a Gift

Christmas is fast approaching and you are starting to prepare your ever growing Christmas list.  You know just what to get your mom and sister.  Choosing a gift for them is fairly simple as they appreciate even just a simple trinket.  You got your brother newest video game release.  You’re pretty sure that he would be happy with that.  There is one person you are having difficulty choosing a gift for, however, and that person is your dad.  He seems to already have everything plus he is very particular about his things.

One time your dad complained about aging and how he seems to be losing track of time more often these days.  Suddenly, an idea sparks and you know just what you get your dad for the season – a Harley Davidson clock.  Your father, like most American men, never really owned a Harley but he does have a fascination for the brand.  It is an icon for many Americans, especially for men.  He may not be a rider but so owning a Harley Davidson clock is the closest thing for him to ever become one.

So why is the Harley Davidson clock an ideal Christmas present?  First, you can never go wrong with it the brand.  Just like Coke-a-Cola, Mc Donald’s and John Deere, Harley Davidson is a top of mind, all American brand.  A good number of people have a certain affinity it not loyalty for it.  The concept of a radical and “rebellious” biker will forever be engrained in the mind, adding to its appeal.

Second, it reminds people of what it is like to break free from the stuffy office setting and go out on weekends for some fun in the great outdoors.  What could be freer than riding free on a huge and powerful bike with some friends?  Again, not everyone is made to go for long hours of biking but let’s face it, everyone is somewhat drawn to the coolness of the concept.

Of course, Harley is such a powerful brand that one look at the logo and people know exactly what it is.  It is known and respected for quality and is associated with exclusivity.

Going back to the clock, it is no motorcycle but the fact that it is branded as a “Harley” sets it apart from other clocks the same way that Harley is set apart from other motorcycle brands.