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Do You Know Which Vitamins Can Help Your High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension. or high blood pressure , affects approximately one out of every three adult Americans. Amazingly, a large majority of these individuals never realize that they are suffering from such a dangerous illness. Various treatments with vitamins for high blood pressure are available and by using the right ones, hypertension can be prevented or reduced.

Vitamin C has been proven to lessen the risk of some heart diseases and hypertension. It strengthens the arteries by stopping production of free radicals, which damage the walls of the arteries. Vitamin C has also a role to play in repairing damage of the arteries by preventing plaque from building up at the injury site. It also promotes production of “good” cholesterol. Recent studies have shown that Vitamin C is significantly lower in people with high blood pressure. That is why it is recommended that people take a minimum of 250g Vitamin C per day.

Vitamin E naturally detoxifies the system. An abundant antioxidant, Vitamin E is found in the fatty tissues in your body. It is used in the reduction and prevention of heart disease by combating the effects of bad cholesterol within your body. Up to eight hundred international units of Vitamin E per day is recommended to reduce the effects of hypertension.

Vitamin A, also to be found in the body and is important for preventing plaque build up in arteries from bad cholesterol. However, this vitamin can be extremely toxic if used in excess. Therefore, it is important that it is used under the direction of a health care professional.

Potassium, which you will find in abundance in potatoes, milk, and bananas are also regarded to be effective in cardiovascular health. It acts by lowering sodium levels in your body.

A deficiency in magnesium has also been proven to have an effect on blood pressure. Magnesium can be found naturally in leafy green vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Calcium and magnesium work together to reduce high blood pressure.

Many other natural supplements can also be used to reduce and prevent cardiovascular disease. CoQ10, an enzyme that you will find in the body, provides energy to the hart and helps with blood circulation. The natural blood thinning qualities of garlic also helps to improve blood circulation. Flaxseed also help with improving circulation and reduces the common affects of hypertension. An amino acid that are present in your body, Taurine, helps to protect the brain from the damage that can be caused by hypertension. An extract from a mushroom called Reishi are also known to reduce the risk factors associated with edema, that is regarded to be one of the most dangerous symptoms of hypertension.

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