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Brake Fluid Types and How to Check Them


Your car probably has one of these types of brake fluid: DOT 3, DOT 4, or DOT 5. The first and second brake fluids are made of glycol while the last one is silicon based. The main distinction between the three is that DOT 4 and DOT 3 absorb water. Needless to say, DOT 5 does not. A brake fluid may boil and possibly disable your car’s brakes. Brake fluid usually boils during prolonged braking such as driving downhill. Because DOT 3 and DOT 4 absorb water, the boiling points of these brake fluids decreases. Thus, whenever you open the reservoir of the brake fluid, water from the air is sometimes absorbed. In contrast, DOT 5 is not water-absorbent which means that the boiling point is stable. This could also indicate, however, that water which goes into the brake system tends to form pockets potentially causing brake corrosion. It is very important to remember that mixing together DOT 3, DOT 4, and DOT 5 is a no-no. Doing so would make your brake system corrode due to the reaction of the components of these brake fluids.

Know what type of brake fluid your car needs.

Can you imagine driving your car without ever using brake fluid? Don’t even try to think about it. If you do not use brake fluid, the pressure that your foot applies whenever your stop will not reach the brakes. The brake fluid also allows for the strong forces working on the brake pads to remain at a relatively warm temperature that can reach up to 426 degree Celsius. Just like any other automotive fluids, your car’s brake fluid needs regular maintenance. It is widely recommended changing the brake fluid every one to two years. You can refer to your owner’s manual for this information or check the video below (for Mini or BMW cars). Changing the brake fluid yourself can be a little complicated. The first thing to do is drain the brake fluid system and add the clean fluid. You can definitely save as much as $100 if you do it on your own. But if you do it wrong, you might just spend more than you can save.

? Always check your car’s brake fluid level to ensure high performance.

You can also check the brake fluid level. How? Twist the fluid reservoir cap and locate the dipstick then wipe it with a dry rag. After, screw the dipstick back and remove it again. Then take a look at the dipstick and see the line between the dry part and the wet part. You should see the line somewhere in the middle of “full” and “add”. If the reading is right below the “add”, there is probably a leak since brake fluids do not really wear. If this happens, have a mechanic or an expert check at your brake system to avoid possible serious damages.

Check the brake fluid level

Another reason to have your brake system checked by an expert is the presence of air in your car’s brake system. How will know this? In this case, consider flushing or bleeding the brakes. Moreover, if the brakes feel a little spongy whenever you de-press the pedal, there is probably air. Also try looking at the brake fluid if it is clear or dark. If the fluid is dark, there is probably a big chance it’s contaminated. If this happens, make sure to bring your car to a mechanic and have it checked.

Under normal cases such as when the fluid is clear and is close to the “add” marking, adding a little brake fluid will do the trick. Do not fill the reservoir above “full” mark. This could result to damage in your vehicle’s brake system. This is because brake fluids are very prone to corrosion and highly toxic. Aside from eating the paint off in the vehicle, leaks in the brake fluid system may also cause blindness and other sickness once in contact with the skin. Thus it is important to use latex gloves or other protective gloves in pouring brake fluid into the reservoir. Also, be sure to use a funnel every time to regulate the flow of the fluid. The brake fluid should last for a maximum of two years. But it is still best to check at least once every month to make sure the fluid is clean and adequate especially if you are preparing for a long road trip.

? Use latex gloves whenever you change your car’s brake fluid.

In case you want to know more about the basics of brake fluid, this video will be very useful:

Or, if you have a BMW or a MINI, find out how to change the brake fluid in this tutorial: