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A Glimpse At Various Rental Resources

Just like the housing entities of the other counties, the San Joaquin nonprofit fair housing agency provides many resources to help people find affordable rentals without having to deal with age, sex, or socioeconomic discrimination. As you glance over the following list of resources that are available through the agency in your own county, please keep in mind that what is provided is to be considered a pubic courtesy only – and none of the rentals are endorsed in any way by the agency itself:

Low-income senior and disabled citizen housing – Seniors face a whole different set of problems as they age. With their diminished capacity to earn an income, and health that isn’t what it used to be, they are often in dire need of services like housing. Disabled citizens also fall under this category due to their infirmities.

Fortunately, there are dwellings available that meet their needs in regards to being ‘user friendly’ in structural design. And, while this housing also meets the confines of their budgets, it also lacks the on-site pharmacies and emergency medical facilities that are often common to the privately run rehabilitation and assisted living facilities.

Visionary homes – Most of the time when someone thinks of a ‘visionary home’ it brings to mind a hollowed out airplane or other defunct piece of transportation, that’s been transformed into someone’s living quarters. However, in fair housing terms, this usually means a dwelling that was once burnt out, or derelict in some other way, but has been remodeled, and brought up to safety code standards – and is now ready for human habitation. The list of homes that fall under this description include condominiums, townhouses and apartment buildings that are deemed ‘multiple family dwellings’, and are available to those who meet the low income criteria and all it entails.

Section 8 housing – Homes that are deemed ‘Section 8’ are those dwellings owned by property management companies that have elected to participate in the Federally funded program, and rent to their clients. To qualify for this program and get a certain home, a renter must apply at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, meet a certain criteria, and go through a process that can be a bit complicated.

Once you have been accepted into the program based your financial situation, you then need to find a home with a rent that would cost you no more than thirty percent of your annual salary – including utilities. In addition, the home must also fit into the area’s official rental ‘rate’, and stand up to the safety and amenity standards code of the area, as well.

So, the next time you’re in the market for a new residence in the county, and you feel you fit any of the above-mentioned criteria – you might want to check into the resources provided through the San Joaquin nonprofit fair housing agency – and see if you can find the information you need.

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