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The FitFlop — The Benefits Of Fitness Sandals

The FitFlop craze has taken the world by storm. Look around and you will see them everywhere from the most casual of outfits to night time glitz. Besides being a fashion statement, these sandals are just darned good for the body and that’s what makes them stand apart. Are you as health conscious as fashion conscious? Then this footwear are for you!

Dr. David Cook and Darren James at the Center for Human Performance at LSBU were given the task of developing a flip flop sandal that increased the work output of the muscles of the lower leg. The result lay in the sole construction. So they set about developing a sandal with differing sole densities and an unstable base, forcing the body to find its own natural balance. The sole they developed is the patent pending microwobbleboard sole. As the foot moves through the walk cycle, the lower leg muscles must be used more extensively to retain stability. The final product became this sandal.

What was found is that this technology created more toned legs and calves. But in addition to this, the soles actually help capture some of the shock that would normally be placed on the body while walking. This, in turn, helps reduce the amount of stress placed on the knees and hips. All this while also aiding you to burn more calories and improve your posture.

Another nice benefit of FitFlops is that you save the time of going to a gym to get a workout. Since it’s nicknamed a small gym for your feet, these sandals give you a workout while you go about your normal day. Two things at once. That’s an appealing feature.

The cost of most fit shoes has been a major reason why I haven’t bought a pair. Why would i want to spend over two hundred dollars for a pair of sandal? I’m not made of money nor do i have a money tree in the back yard. But I am happy to say that these sandals are much better in price. I found them at a website for thirty five dollars. Heck of a deal, as they say in Minnesota.

Versatility, ease of use, and productivity are the major benefits of the FitFlops. If you are looking for a summer workout solution, you should definitely give these a test run.

Fitness shoes retailer provides you with an informed decision on what shoes would work best for you. Choose from many brands including the Womens FitFlops, MBT shoes, Skechers Shape Ups, and more.