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Health Shop Goodies You Can Make at Home

Do you ever wonder why healthy products are way more expensive than processed ones? A garden salad is basically made of raw veggies topped with a dressing and some seasoning, but why is it flashier than a burger meal? The answer is: affordable mass production for high industry profit! Let’s face it, we are carnivores and we want everything fast. And if you are one of those who prefer a healthier lifestyle, we know the change of choice comes with a price.

Well, what if I tell you that being healthy is cheaper than you think? There’s no need to go to health shops because you can find these goodies at home!


1. Flavored Water

Hydrate with a twist. Instead of purchasing pocket-drilling cleansing luxuries or fattening yourself with artificial sweeteners, make your own from basic ingredients: water and fruits. Steep fruits to your liking overnight in the fridge and wake up with your very own flavored water.



2. Fruit Spread

Sweetened by its natural sugars, pure fruit spreads are as natural as it gets. Wouldn’t it be nice to save time and money replacing your usual jam? Now, you can always make one if you’re craving for some sweet delight.



3. Avocado Dressing

A perfect substitute for our beloved mayo is a blended avocado with egg yolks. For anything mayo-inspired, try using an avocado instead and surprise yourself with how yummy and nutritional it can be. Put it on a salad, a sandwich, or your fingertips, suit yourself. This is the healthy mayo with a bang.



4. Homemade Sauce

Everything homemade brings a nostalgic feel to our taste buds. Even if it’s not from our momma’s recipe, we’re captivated by a familiar aroma. Making your own sauce gets rid of having to serve all the crap that preservatives have. Instead of piling up canned sauces in your cupboards, serve a fresh one from chopped tomatoes, herbs, and different kinds of vegetables for an initial boost in antioxidants.



5. Coffee Marinade

It may sound off but this combination will take you off to a whole new galaxy of flavor. Instead of using oil, marinate meat with brewed coffee. Not only will it tenderize the meat, but it will also enrich the smokiness and char effect.



6. Microwave Popcorn

As you know, almost everything is in a pack, sealed and sold, are chemical-filled or processed. No matter how green its name is, there’s still some magic brewing inside those bags. You can avoid this by buying untouched kernels and microwaving it in a plate-covered bowl. In just 2 to 3 minutes, your snack is ready.



7. Antidepressant Nuts

Feeling blue may push us to pop a pill, devour a pint of ice cream, or drink till we drop. Hey, there’s a cheaper and healthier alternative to that. Brazil nuts contain Selenium, a trace mineral that can help ease depression. Just like Serotonin and Dopamine, lack of Selenium makes a person more anxious or depressed. We’ve never heard of a nut overdose before, so next time you feel unbalanced, go nuts with these nuts.



8. Blueberry Shampoo

Well, a typical shampoo is more for your hair, but this one is for your scalp benefits. Blueberries are rich in Vitamin C which is essential for scalp circulation and blood vessel support. What we should know is, an unhealthy scalp leads to unhealthy hair and lacking of Vitamin C can give you hair breakage. Try a blueberry rub, and save money from other organic shampoos.



9. Chamomile Tea

Most flower based teas you can find in health shops are sealed to maintain its freshness. With a stamp of branding and original packaging, it costs more than it should be. There are leaves and flowers that need not to be purchased. Chamomile, is not just a visual treat but the tops are brewed to make tea as well.



10. Stress Reliever

In spite of all these healthy options, the most organic of it all is the one where air is the only thing we consume. By breathing properly through meditation and yoga, we automatically relax our muscles, reduce stress, amplify our senses, and recharge in no time. The stillness of the mind will give us a better awareness of what is happening inside and outside of our physiques. It will give us a higher perspective of a healthy body and mind.