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Can You Recognize Your Dieting Obstacles?

There are many reasons why dietary plans go wrong; however what you are not always told is that the majority of your dietary obstacles are self inflicted.

From underestimating the number of calories you are consuming to using prescription drugs that may be influencing your weight, each of these obstacles can halt your chances to get in shape.

Below we have supplied 10 of the worse fat loss obstacles which could be limiting your diet:

1. Not sleeping enough – it is advised that you sleep for a minimum of 8 hours per day and there is a good reason why. Don’t get enough sleep and your hormones become unbalanced leading to tiredness and increased appetite.

2. Missing meals – whilst initially it may seem logical to skip dinner, after all 1 meal less per day will mean fewer calories ingested. However, bypassing meals can make your body believe it is starving causing it to turn calories into stored fat. In addition skipping breakfast means your metabolism will be slower and will burn less calories.

3. Over calculating calorie burn – whilst exercise is an essential part of any weight loss plan, it is easy to get into the routine of saying ‘I have just finished a 30 minute exercise plan so I can treat myself to crisps’. To optimise your workouts you need to watch the number of calories used to those eaten.

4. Underestimating calorie ingestion – it is easy to forget about the occasional snack here or accidentally give yourself a larger portion there, but without detailed checking extra calories can easily creep into your weight loss plan. Try maintaining a food diary for a couple of weeks describing everything you ingest and drink, plus the calories they contain. You’ll be astounded by how fast they mount up.

5. Constant stress – alongside encouraging the temptation to overeat, anxiety can also cause an accumulation of fat (especially around your belly) and enhance your hunger.

6. Ignoring drinks – smoothies, fizzy drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol… all are overflowing with calories that are often forgotten during diets. As a result, if you want a glass of wine with your dinner make sure to budget your calories during the day.

7. Taking dietary holidays – even though there is nothing wrong with indulging yourself occasionally, at the weekend it is easy to fill your days with ‘exceptional’ eating and break rules you wouldn’t normally dare to in the week. As a result it is essential that you don’t forget your dietary plan as 2 days can make a big difference to your weight loss particularly if your cravings have accummulated over the week.

8. Using prescribed drugs – many medications can cause weight gain that can feel very frustrating if you are suffering from a condition that makes working out difficult. If you are worried your tablets is affecting your diet, speak to your doctor who can help you to improve your medication and supply weight loss advice.

9. Don’t get impatient – one mistake lots of us make is solely focusing on your final target for example your end fat loss goal. The complication with these type targets is that when the weight doesn’t start dropping off, you get frustrated and want to give up. Because of this it is important that you make achievable goals of 2lbs a week so you’ll feel that you are attaining more weight loss faster.

10. Aiming to low – your body has got a natural weight where you are slim, so although you may want to look like super models, getting rid of an extra 10lbs could often put your body under unnecessary strain.

If your fat loss obstacle is amongst this list above, it is still possible to achieve your dietary goals safely and without risk.

The key is to eat a nutritious diet (no less than 1500 calories per day), to exercise 4 times per week for 30 minutes (preferably cardio and weight training) and to set yourself realistic goals.

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