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Where did Makeup Originate?

Today, it is so common to see women wearing makeup to enhance their beauty.  You do not need to be a movie star or a supermodel to look your absolute best wherever you go.  Often times, women even match their makeup with their outfit.  Usually, she wears a more casual, sun kissed look in morning affairs and a dressier, more dolled up appearance during dates or evening parties.  Hence, there is a huge line of makeup choices to make sure that whatever shade she feels like wearing is available; from the brightest shade of red to lightest of all pinks for lipsticks.  The same is true for foundation to make sure that all skin tones have something that would match their color.  The question however is where did makeup originate and have women been wearing it ever since?

For all of you who are aware of Cleopatra and her beauty that has besotted no one less than Julius Caesar and Anthony, you are also aware that makeup is something that helped enhance the beauty of this powerful woman who captured the hearts of many.  She must be the very first woman to wear smokey eyes  with her dark eyeliner that draws attention to her eyes.  Where did makeup originate?  It is safe to conclude that ancient Egypt is among the places of origin of makeup.  It is not alone though because other old and historic civilizations are also known to wear beauty enhancers.

After the fall of ancient Greece and Rome rose as the superpower, Roman woman learned how to add a touch of color to their cheeks by using kohl.  This was a popular look during the 1st century AD and women back then absolutely adored having rosy cheeks.

Even civilizations in Asia seem to understand the importance of beauty because Persian women were known to dye their hair a very deep black.  The reason behind this is that pale skin was the “in” thing back then and what better way to emphasize your paleness than by contrasting your white to color to the darkness of your hair?  This was not enough for the Persian women and so they used a substance to lighten their skin all the more.  Sadly, the chemical that they used was not safe so many damaged their skin in the process.

Where did makeup originate?  It is really hard to tell although we can pinpoint famous civilizations that used it.  Wherever it was first used is of little concern.  One thing is certain; women want to look good and feel good at all times and makeup is one thing that helps that achieve that.