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Make Your Eyelashes Pop With This Info

You can find several ways to enhance your eyelashes if you want thicker eyelashes, like using false eyelashes, getting eyelash extensions, using eyelash curlers, or even using mascara.

The greatest results will be achieved by using eyelash extensions. They are an expensive option with the initial treatment running about $400. The process takes two hours and is performed by a professional in a salon setting. Maintenance requires regular fill ins. The fill ins cost about $100 and should be done every 2 to 3 weeks. Due to the expense of eyelash extensions, many women choose to only have the procedure done for those once-in-a-lifetime events like proms and weddings.

The material used for the extensions is synthetic. A single lash is glued to your individual lashes one by one, making your lashes look natural and thicker. Since it is such a chore to keep extensions on the lashes, most women will either have them removed or simply allow them to fall off by themselves. You can either have the lashes removed by a professional or you can do it at home.

The home procedure is as simple as steaming your face over hot water, then applying olive oil to the extensions to remove the glue which kept them in place.

If you are not interested in eyelash extensions, traditional false eyelashes might appeal to you. False eyelashes are available in the cosmetics departments at most discount or drug stores, and they can easily be put on in the comfort of your home. The price ranges from $5 to $30, with the higher quality lashes costing more.

If you don’t want to go with extensions or false eyelashes, you can use eyelash curlers or mascara to enhance your eyelashes. You can find mascara and eyelash curlers at any drug store or retail store for a range of different prices, and they are great for making your eyelashes look more dramatic.

The eyelash curler should be used just before mascara is applies. There are different eyelash curlers available but they all work on the same principle; by applying gentle pressure at the base of the lashes for about twenty seconds, you can bend the lashes and make them appeal longer. Applying mascara to the recently curled lash will give the lashes a long, full, attractive look.

Even though you can use mascara, eyelash curlers, and false eyelashes on a daily basis, the best way to give your eyelashes the best enhancement is opt for eyelash extensions.

Now, Seth has written other articles on enhancing your natural beauty. Be sure to check out either talika eyelash or talika eyelash conditioning!