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What Everyone Should Know about Discontinued Cosmetics

When it comes to make, women tend to be picky and they have a very good reason for it.  For one, unlike clothes that the worse that can happen is you won’t look your best at one time if you pick the wrong print or design for you, the repercussion of buying the wrong type of cosmetics is more difficult to handle.  Aside from the unflattering effect it will have on your face, you are at risk of having skin irritations and pimple breakouts if you wear the wrong kind.  Hence, it is wise to stick to your brand, the particular type of makeup that you always purchase as well as the shade.  By doing so, you lessen the chance of having to run to the derma for a consultation due to some skin problem.

Let’s say that you finally found the makeup brand that is perfectly compatible to your skin.  It blends really well giving you an all-natural effect and it does not clog your pores, causing pimples.  Unfortunately, your one-day found your favorite makeup in the discontinued cosmetics rack.  What will you do as it would surely take ages to find a perfect substitute.

The answer is pretty simple.  First, stock up on your favorite cosmetic.  If it’s in the discontinued cosmetics brand then chances are it is on sale and would probably cost only 75 percent or even less than its original price.  Stock up on it because you know how tough it can be to find the right shade.  It may cost a big bulk of money at it turns out to be less expensive in the long run.  Plus, it saves you the hassle of finding a substitute for a pretty long time.

If you know a friend or several of them who also likes the same brand and shade then you might want to sell it to them.  That way, you re-earned the cost of the make up you got for yourself.

When all else fails and you find yourself running out of your favorite makeup stock then talk to the sales person and ask if the color that you want was just renamed and repacked or if it was totally replaced by a new product.  If it’s the first scenario then you have nothing to worry about.  Otherwise, go for the nearest substitute available.  You might even like it better than its original color.