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Beekeeping in Different Parts of the World

Many areas in the world are producers of honey and beeswax for medicinal and food purposes. You’ll locate a lot of beekeeping in the US, Asia, Africa, and some parts of Europe. Since beekeeping had came from Europe and had been modernized in the US, the way it’s done is different and the way it’s taught is different as well. Yet this is a very fascinating way to see how different cultures train someone to do beekeeping as a method of life and an area of the culture.

The cool thing is that honey is employed for mostly food in so many cultures that use it in religious and celebratory occasions when readying certain concoctions or meals and honey is utilized to sweeten it. American citizens are ordinarily in the business of beekeeping to produce honey for the supermarket and for shipment overseas to markets and countries that don’t have beekeeping businesses that is advanced enough to mass produce the necessary amount to ship overseas to stores owned and operated in the US like Whole Foods Market when they carry specific brands.

Most countries overseas don’t have the system the direction the US does to mass produce a single product like honey since we managed to harvest effectively so we can produce enough to meet the needs of the market until the season to produce starts again in the spring since bees are inactive during the winter months and begin again in late March early April when the mating season for bees is fresh and flowers are in abundance for them to feed and pollinate on. The U.S. alone turns out virtually all of the honey that’s used when they offer to supermarkets owned by American based companies to their stores and restaurants overseas.

Hives don’t need a lot of maintaining just an hour a day between the peak season around May to September. A good season can produce for a keeper 60-100 pounds of honey and dependent on how much the buyer charges by the pound that’s what you go by to what you’ll make for each harvest you get.

The most commonplace annoyance to beekeepers throughout their harvesting and upkeep of the hives are bumblebees these are the large ugly black and yellow bees that are seen going through the flowers honey bees have already visited and these bees live underground so they can be an annoyance to beekeepers when they swarm from the mixed up. Many beekeepers will move their hives around which is known as migratory which is one of the secrets to rise honey production and giving bees a new supply of flowers to pollinate and feed from so they can create various variations and batches of honey.

Each batch produced can differ with each pollination or when hives are rotated and bees go to various flowers so this is one of the reasons why often times honey might have different taste since it’s the sort of flowers accessible to them right at that moment of migration.

You can check out: Bees Business plus Keep Bees.