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Little Things that are Nice to Know about Klingon Pirates

If you are a Star Trek fan, you have probably heard of characters like Mr. Worf in Star Trek the Next Generation Series.  He is fairly easy to spot.  All you have to do is take a look at the people in the “bridge” and he is the biggest one there and by big I mean tall and lean.  His bones are huge and his height is intimidating to the point that you would hate to royally annoy him.  Mr. Worf is called a Klingon and for all of you geeks out there, let me indulge you.  These are the little things that are nice to know about Klingons.  Call it a trivia if you must.

Regarding their physical appearance, as I have described earlier, they are heavy or even “chunky” because of their height and big bones.  Their usual get up includes an armor to protect the vital parts of their body and more often than not, they are depicted with a weapon.  If you did not know any better, you could easily mistake them for the bad guys in the film.  The thing is, they are not.  They simply fight for what they think is right, which can be quite confusing for human standards.

Klingon pirates find their honor in battle.  Very much like the Japanese, they most certainly would not mind shedding their life in glory of battle.  Being a coward is considered a capital sin and is simply unacceptable.  Fighting to the end, even if the cause is lost is what a Klingon pirate is taught to do since childhood and it is something that they would uphold even as they age and serve their planet as a warrior.

As you may have already figured out, Klingon pirates are a warrior race.  They are trained for battle and find glory in it.  Where others would flee, they would face it with great anticipation and excitement.  They can be pretty hot tempered though so sometimes their impulse gets the better of them.  Still, no race is as equipped for physical battle as the Klingons.  Of course it helps that their physique matches their idealism.

Klingon pirates are one of the most important non human characters in the Star Trek universe.  Love them or not, the story just would not be complete without their huge presence.